After our never-ending winter, I'm REALLY enjoying all the signs of spring southeastern Minnesota is experiencing these days: from the smell of freshly-cut grass, to seeing the daffodils and violets bloom in the our garden. And, I'm watching the progress of a mother robin, who's been busy building a nest on the support beam under our deck.

You can't see it very well in this picture, but I noticed last weekend that there was a bunch of long grass and weeds on our deck supports. I thought the recent wind and rain was the culprit, but now I see it was merely our resident mother robin, gathering materials for her nest.

We had a nest under our deck last spring, and eventually spotted three light blue eggs in it, but mom robin must have vacated the premises, because none of the eggs ever hatched. Maybe this year is our year. Hopefully, Chance, the wonder-Beagle, won't scare her off!

The beginnings of a robin's nest under our deck!


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