Saturday evening around 9:30 a crowd of approximately 100+ assembled to welcome home SGT. Jeremy Delaney, an Army Reservist returning from a 14 month deployment in Iraq.

Surrounded by family, friends, citizens, co-workers from Rochester City Lines, along with local Veterans Organizations, Rochester Police & Fire Departments, the Olmsted Country Sheriffs Department, various news  media representatives, and Rochester Mayor Ardell Brede were all on hand in support of this homecoming at RST.

Rochester Mayor Brede & SGT Delaney embrace at RST - - photo: Steve Richards - TSM - Rochester, MN
Rochester Mayor Brede & SGT Delaney embrace at RST - - photo: Steve Richards - TSM - Rochester, MN
photo: Steve Richards - TSM Rochester, MN
photo: Steve Richards - TSM Rochester, MN

Chants of "USA-USA-USA" echoed through the terminal's main concourse as Delaney walked through rows of American Flags to be greeted by happy family members and cheering supporters.

There was cake, brownies, coffee & refreshment to be enjoyed, as patriotic music played through the main terminal as the supporters assembled. Local Rochester businessman Terry Throndson initiated and organized the effort. (A job well done, Terry!)

This would end a 4th deployment to Iraq for Delaney in his 20-year US Army career.   





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