Curt’s First Weekend in October in Five Pictures
It was a little soggy to start off, but the weekend turned out to be a pretty nice one. Did you get out and enjoy it? Here's how I spent my time.
I started things off Friday with a quick walk over to the Siebens Building atrium, where the Minnesota Super Bowl 52 Host Committee had sponsored the display of the all 52 Super Bowl rings.
Then, it was off to Mike's Food Center in St. Charles for another 60-Minute Blitz with Gillette Pepsi, signing Quick Country 96.5 listeners up to win those Vikings tickets for Sunday's game with my Green Bay Packers (we'll have one last location Friday where somebody will win those tickets!)
Saturday, my wife and I helped our niece and her husband move into their new house up in Rosemount. Geez, what a gorgeous place-- I wonder what it's like to move into a brand-new house! We also made a stop at the Total Wine store in Eagan, where I was almost overwhelmed with their selection of great Minnesota beers.
Sunday, we grabbed dinner with my sister-in-law and caught the exciting end of the Packers/Cowboy game at Five West. Here's what it looked like...