Curt’s Weekend in Five Pictures – Apr. 28-30
It may have gone by waaaay too fast, but I had a great weekend-- even though we didn't have anything too exciting planned. Here's what it looked like:
I kicked off the weekend Friday, by noticing that a rite of spring had taken place: yes, the first bug of the warm weather driving season had splattered itself on my windshield. Must have happened when I drove up to Red Wing on Thursday. You KNOW warmer weather is here when we move from clearing snow from the windshield of our cars, to cleaning off all the bugs.
Saturday, I met a lot of great Quick Country 96.5 listeners at Fish Fesh, outside Scheel's at Apache Mall. (All that food being grilled on The Big Green Egg behind me made it tough to concentrate, though!)
After that, my wife and I got to painting our office downstairs. It used to be an odd shade of either yellow or beige, so we changed that to a more neutral grey (after two trips to Home Depot, or course.)
Saturday night we stayed in and pay-per-viewed the movie, The Infiltrator, starring Byran Cranston. It was pretty good-- he played a similar character to Breaking Bad's 'Walter White' except this time instead of making meth, he was busting drug lords, working for U.S. customs.
We pretty much just ran some errands Sunday and laid low, getting ready for the week. Thanks for taking a look!