Did Ohio State Fair Outdo Our Princess Butter with Apollo Butter?
The Ohio State Fair always has pretty cool butter sculptures, but this year, they knocked it out of the park with their Apollo 50 tribute.
That is some pretty impressive work! But is it better than the Minnesota State Fair's soon to come Princess Kay of the Milky Way butter busts? If you're not familiar, our Great Minnesota Get Together has been featuring Princess Kay and the 11 finalists in butter busts since 1965.
They wrap themselves in blankets, sit in the fridge while the artist does their work. And yes, you can watch it. It's a wonderful tradition and no...Ohio's work doesn't diminish our fair's work. And neither does ours hurt theirs.
There's plenty of room for everyone inside the milking parlor. And besides, it's all a grand way to celebrate a part of our agricultural world that makes so many things taste butter. I mean, better.
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