Not long ago I wrote a blog saying I have ZERO celebrity look-a-likes! There are a few that have similarities, but nothing that screams "yes, she looks JUST LIKE SAMM!" - I want that, not going to lie... Well, yesterday I walked up to the counter to return something at Costco, and the lady just stared at me. Then she said, "sorry, I didn't hear a word you just said!" My initial reaction was "um, what?!" Her response, "you are identical to Rehab Addict!" I was SUPER offended, BUT only because I had a moment! I heard "rehab" and "addict" and my brain went straight to "Celebrity Rehab" lol. Seeing the confusion, all the people behind the counter came to her rescue making sure I understood WHO exactly she was talking about. DUH, the lady from Minneapolis that flips houses! WOW, total blonde moment (embarrassed face)..... So I guess we can add the beautiful Nicole Curtis to the list of celebrities that "somewhat" look like Samm. Here's the rest. 

Nicole Curtis Rehab Addict HGTV

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