Grow Your Own – Find Out How!
Once on the verge of extinction, the now 'global' Beaver Dam Pepper is enjoying a come-back of sorts, even right here in Rochester, Minnesota!
The Beaver Dam pepper came from the town of Apatin, once part of the Austro Hungarian empire, now Serbia. In 1912,
as life in the region became less secure in the build up to World War One, a young government worker by the name of Joe Hussli (my Great uncle) made his escape. When he boarded a ship bound for America he carried a small packet of seeds in his shirt pocket for a pepper with a unique flavor. His 9000 mile journey took him and the seeds to the town of Beaver Dam, 150 miles north of Chicago. There the pepper became a local specialty, but in the 1950s new varieties were introduced that were easier to grow. The Beaver Dam pepper slowly disappeared and the flavor was forgotten. Food producer Lee Greene tells Dan Saladino why she was determined to reintroduce this lost pepper to the people of Beaver Dam.
That's our story, and I'm sticking to it! If you enjoy growing your own, and enjoy gardening, hit me up on my BIO PAGE at the Quick Country Website, or stop by the garden center weekdays and I can hook you up with with the last of this season's Beaver Dam Pepper plants! Get'em while they're medium-HOT! #BeaverDamPeppers #heirloom
-Steve Richards ~ Quick Country Weekends ~ TSM Rochester, MN
LISTEN TO THIS VIDEO PRESENTATION from the BBC! We're 'global', baby!