Have You Ever Seen a ‘Tow Plow’ in Rochester?
The gang over at MnDOT is always looking for better ways to keep the snow and ice off our interstates and highways. And, the 'tow plow' is a new tool they've been using. Do you know what a 'tow plow' is?
Seeing as MnDOT is advising no travel for anyone in southeast Minnesota today, here's a look at one of their latest pieces of snow-removal equipment. The 'tow plow,' is pretty much just what it sounds like -- a special plow attached to a trailer-like device that a MnDOT snow plow tows behind it as it rolls down the highway. This St. Paul Patch story says it's "a blade 26 feet wide that swings out from behind the truck like a scorpion’s tail."
And, the tow plow allows MnDOT to clear way more snow, and do it faster, than a regular plow. In fact, the story says a tow plow can "clear two and half highway lanes or two lanes and part of the shoulder," according to MnDOT.
While I don't get out on I-90 or I-35 all that often, we're on Highway 52 between the Twin Cities and Rochester a lot. But I can't say I've seen a tow plow yet. (Although today may be the day!)
Have you ever seen a tow plow? Here's what they look like in action...