If you've ever seen something here in Rochester and thought, "They should DO something about that!" well, here's your chance to get involved.


According to this ABC-6 story, Rochester Mayor Ardell Brede's office is looking to fill various volunteer positions on several advisory boards and commissions. These boards look at issues in-depth and report back to the mayor and Rochester City Council, and can help shape city policy-- and the future of what happens in Rochester.

The story says there are currently open positions on several boards. The Energy Commission,  the Citizens Advisory on Transit, the Committee on Urban Design and Environment, the Mayo Civic Center Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission all have open positions.


So, what's it take to serve one of these boards? Well, the story says experience isn't necessary; all that's needed is your time. Most of the groups meet once a month, the story says.

And, the city is encouraging you to apply. Anissa Hollingshead, Rochester's City Clerk, and Communications Director says the positions allow for the community to have a voice, “Especially at a period of such growth in the city. A good opportunity for the residents that are interested in that area to play a role and be actively involved in their government," the story said.

You can check out how to apply HERE.

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