‘I Don’t Get It’ Episode 5: Highway-52 Construction Projects
When it comes to life here in southeastern Minnesota, there are just a few things I don’t "get." Like why there are so many construction projects scheduled for this summer on Highway-52.
I get that construction projects are a fact of life, but it's all the various projects scheduled for U.S. Highway-52 THIS YEAR that I don't get.
MnDOT really appears bent on proving that old adage about there being two seasons in Minnesota-- winter and road construction-- true this year, with what looks to be four separate projects set to disrupt traffic between Rochester and Twin Cities.
There's the Highway-58 bridge replacement in Zumbrota, the repaving of the northbound lanes between Rochester and Cannon Falls, another bridge replacement near Cannon Falls, and, last but not least, the Highway-42 bridge replacement in Rosemount. (Although, to be fair, that one is a Dakota Country project, not MnDOT, but still.)
Do we really have to schedule them all for the same year?!? I don't get it!