It has appeared in both 1987 and 1991. The results from those two seasons? World Series hardware. The white piece of fabric that for those in attendance under a Teflon sky waved, twirled, and spun to will their team to win. The Homer Hanky is coming back for the playoffs according to the Star Tribune

In a season that featured mas bombas, an MLB homerun record with 307 hit by the Twins, a new manager, and a new face at first base, it almost seemed like we were on a path towards another postseason tradition. But why? The MLB postseason is all about traditions. The hanky tradition began October 7, 1987 in the 'dome. The Twins will be playing the Yankees at home at Target Field on October about some hanky magic!

Here is Clyde the Twins historian with more on that fateful hanky, which he thought was better than a clapper or drum to will the team to win.

The hanky is to be released at a time and place still to be determined and might be a little different than what we remember. (it sounds like it won't be white in color). Stay tuned and we will update you when we know the release date and time so you can secure your piece of the postseason.

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