Several weeks ago I posted about a uniquely flavorful & versatile heirloom pepper
variety that I attempt to grow annually, that being the 'Beaver Dam Pepper'.

The history of this almost extinct Hungarian variety can be read about below. My hope
is that as you plan your gardens, raised beds, and/or containers this season that you
consider planting a row (or several plants) of this crunchy & delicious, flavor-laden
heirloom. From transplant to maturity in 80 days, I'm confident that if you grow it once,
you'll certainly grow it again! Bedding plants will soon be available at Sargents On 2nd
in Rochester, MN. If you have any questions about growing this variety of pepper, contact
me thru my BIO PAGE here at Quick Country 96-5

photo: Steve Richards - KWWK
photo: Steve Richards - KWWK
photo: Steve Richards ~ KWWK
IMAGE: Beaver Dam Pepper germination success, on DAY 8 !
Last year they popped in about 10 -11 days. Use of a heating pad
underneath the covered main tray makes all the difference!
photo: Steve Richards ~ KWWK
IMAGE: Beaver Dam Pepper germination success, on DAY 8 !
Last year they popped in about 10 -11 days. Use of a heating pad
underneath the covered main tray makes all the difference!

Have you tried the heirloom variety Beaver Dam Pepper yet ? You ask, What is a Beaver Dam Pepper? Find out more today, and throughout the upcoming growing season with an on-going series of posts about this almost extinct heirloom vegetable variety.Get Growing! -Steve

Once you do learn more about growing this heirloom pepper you'll find they will quickly become an annual favorite. The Beaver Dam Pepper is a very versatile & uniquely flavorful heirloom variety in just 80 days from time of transplant.

Seedling transplants to 3.5" peat cups before their final transplant to gardens, raised beds, or containers.
Seedling transplants to 3.5" peat cups before their final transplant to gardens, raised beds, or containers.

The Beaver Dam Pepper is a Hungarian heirloom brought to America thru Ellis Island by my Great Uncle, Joe Hussli in 1912. He and his family settled in Beaver Dam, WI where this pepper has become a local favorite. As more Hungarian immigrants settled in the region during that same time frame the pepper became a bit more known & popular with those same immigrants, and locals alike. Over the years interest in the pepper became less and less, perhaps thru generational disinterest or gardening habits. During the historic
'Great Depression' of the early 1930's family gardening became a reality and a necessity and one of the reasons this heirloom variety became so popular regionally.


(the perfect face for radio!)
(the perfect face for radio!)

During the course of this growing season I will continue to do an occasional UPDATE on the status of my 2015 crop. If you are interested to learn more on how to get started with this very versatile & uniquely flavorful heirloom variety drop me a line via e-mail or twitter. (see my BIO page) -Steve





Seeds can be purchased via Seed Savers of Decorah, IA

Bedding plants for gardens, raised beds, or container gardening can be found locally at Sargents On 2nd. You can also learn more about the Beaver Dam Pepper heirloom variety via The Scrumptious Pantry, purveyors of delicious heirloom varieties!


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