Just What Happened in the Quick Country 96.5 Parking Lot?
Yikes. I'm not an expert by any means, but is that blood all over the sidewalk?
I noticed these... uh... markings, shall we say, yesterday afternoon when I was leaving the Quick Country 96-5 Worldwide Headquarters and Communications Complex in downtown Rochester.
Now, I'm certainly no forensic expert, but take a look at these photos. Doesn't that look like blood to you?
It sure does to me!
Now, I realize that things can often look way worse than they really are. For instance, I'm prone to getting a bloody nose every so often, mainly during the winter months. (I think it's because our Minnesota winter air is so dry.)
And, sometimes, after a nose bleed that just won't quit, I've got a huge pile of blood-soaked tissues that make it look like my garbage can should be roped off by Rochester Police as an active crime scene.
So, perhaps these what-appear-to-be blood stains are, in fact, nothing. Heck, maybe it's not even blood in these pictures.
But it sure looks like it, doesn't it? If only these sidewalks could talk!
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