Twitter has been a great invention when it comes to snarky responses. And one Minnesota business just responded to a user of their product in a hilariously snarky way on their Twitter feed.


We've all heard stories about how the Twitter-sphere (is that a word?) is great at pointing out and responding to those who make dumb or insensitive comments, right? And, because you're limited to only 140 characters, you've gotta make every word count.

Well, Summit Brewery in St. Paul gets my award for best Twitter response so far this year. They responded to a Twitter user who was only mildly appreciative of their product-- despite getting it for free-- in a hilariously, snarky Tweet. Check it out:

"Gary received a free pint of Summit EPA, our 2016 GABF gold-medal winner. He says it’s “not great but free and drinkable!” Wow Gary. Thanks."

The sarcasm in that "Wow Gary. Thanks." line is hilarious. And, in a following Tweet, Gary himself weighed in, saying he liked their style is looking forward to trying some of their other products. Summit responded, too, to show that their Tweet was all in good fun and that there were no lingering hard feelings.

While I already liked Summit's many great beers (especially their EPA and Saga), this makes me like the company even more. Keep it up, Summit!

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