Ole & Lena’s Pizzeria in Rothsay, Minnesota, is closing its doors at the end of the year. We never want to see a business close its doors, but have no fear the pizza will live on, just not the sit-down business. Owner Shane Balken will continue to work in his concession trailer during the summer and also keep distributing his Faribault made Ole & Lena's Frozen Pizzas.

Shane Balken told the Wahpeton Daily News that it was a dream come true to run the pizzeria, but he just fell out of love running the shop. He went from making pizzas by hand to creating a frozen pizza brand that has really taken off. He currently distributes to approximately 60 locations.

According to the Wahpeton Daily News, the 12-year-old business is changing over to a BBQ joint when the new owner takes over in 2019.


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