I REALLY wanted to do a full on DIY Halloween costume this year! My first go at it was an epic fail. Check out my fail AND the very successful plan b! 

Little man has been obsessed with Power Rangers this year, and asked that we all go as a group. I was totally ok with this, but didn't want to purchase the expensive (but ironically cheap looking costume). So to the Pinterest I went for ideas. I found what seemed like a brilliant idea, and got to work immediately. If you missed that, here's my first attempt:

Yeah, it's terrible right?! Well, I put my thinking cap on, and figured the best way to fix this is to get a legit body suit. I found one of those morph suits online on clearance for $10 (steal)!!! We cut the head off since it was a full body suit.

We then failed TWICE at making the diamonds part of the costume. The first time we used glue, the second time was an iron. Unfortunately the morph suit was too stretchy, and did not want anything stuck to it permanently. My fix - DUCK TAPE! Duck tape is my main tool! We just put duck tape over the material we tried sticking to the costume, and voila - SUCCESS:


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