Remember When This Minnesota Town Was Featured For Its 1975 UFO Sighting?
This was news to me, I had no idea that Medford was highlighted for a potential UFO sighting in 1975, and Leonard Nemoy highlighted it in his show In Search Of... Check out the segment and let me know what you think, do you believe?
The reported UFO sighting happened on the evening of November 2nd, 1975 over the football field. A portion of the ground where the UFO reportedly touched down was taken to be sampled and tested for radioactivity.
According to who wrote about the experience in 2021: "The flashing object appeared over the small rural community Sunday evening after dark, November 2, 1975. As teenager Janet Kay sat at the dining room table doing her homework, she looked out the window of her Medford home and saw the lighted object moving slowly toward the earth. “I saw a UFO come down out of the sky,” she later told the film crew from Leonard Nimoy’s In Search Of."
Others who saw the reported UFO that night "Leona and Donald Rafdal, also of Medford, were driving south on Highway 3 coming toward town when they noticed a white flash of light that they mistook for lightning. Mrs. Rafdal jested with her husband, “Do you think it was a UFO?” He returned the joke, “Maybe it was!” Before they reached Medford, however, they saw an object hanging in the sky, beaming with red light. They agreed it did not resemble a plane or helicopter."
So do you believe that a UFO touched down in Medford? Or was it something else?