Rochester, MN (KROC-AM News) - The City of Rochester could add new requirements for planting trees for all new residential and commercial developments.

The Rochester City Council will be reviewing a draft interim tree preservation ordinance during its study session on Monday. The proposal was developed by the City Forester and the Committee on Urban Design and Environment (CUDE). It sets a minimum goal of having a 40-percent tree canopy throughout the city

It calls on the developers of buildings in downtown Rochester to include so-called “green roofs” in their plans to meet the requirements of the proposed ordinance. The owner of a large home on a large city lot would be expected to plant three large trees and a small tree, while a small house would likely meet the requirements with one large and one small tree or two medium trees.

In cases where the 40-percent canopy cannot be achieved, the property owner would be required to pay an in lieu of fee that would be used by the city for planting and preserving trees throughout Rochester. It’s unclear when, or if, the City Council will act on the proposal.

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