Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) – Rochester City Councilmember Michael Wojcik was taken to the ER Thursday after crashing his bicycle into a car that pulled in front of him.

Wojcik was riding down the 6th St SW hill near the Edison Building around 4:00 PM when he saw the vehicle pull away from the stop sign at the 8th Ave. intersection.

Wojcik says he saw the car in time to slow his speed but still slammed into the passenger door. Wojcik says his bicycle ridership training came in handy as he avoided breaking any bones, although he suffered numerous bruises and lacerations. He says he is especially thankful he was wearing a helmet.

Michael Wojcik accident
Michael Wojcik accident

Police say the collision left a sizeable dent in the door and broke the window. Wojcik says he will spend the weekend healing and plans to attend the Monday council meeting.

The driver of the car - 61-year-old Michael Trusty of Chatfield - was cited for failure to yield the right-of-way.

Wojcik later tweeted this message:

Hey #rochmn drivers. Slow down, don’t run stop signs and don’t drive distracted. I got lucky today.

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