Rochester Named 15th Best Place To Live In The Country
Money Magazine recently put together a list of the 100 best places to live in the country and Rochester, MN ranked 15th. Two other Minnesota cities made that list and those were the town of Lynnhursts in Minneapolis (46th) and Blaine (90th).
Money Magazine said Rochester received such a high ranking because it is one of the healthiest places in the country. We do have access to some of the best medical treatments and most of us seem to live a healthy lifestyle. Everywhere I go, people are promoting working out, biking, walking, and healthy food options, which is one of the many reasons I love Rochester.
Another factor that contributed to this high ranking is commute time. Money Magazine said that the average commute time for a resident of Rochester is 17 minutes, which is super low for a city that has around 116,926 people living in it. I know Denver is quite a bit larger than Rochester, but you could spend an hour in your vehicle and only go a mile.
The magazine also noted that there are events galore in Rochester and always something to do on the weekend! A few other factors considered were median household income; which is around $75,112 in Rochester, housing prices, and the amount of sun we see throughout the year. I don't want to bring you down but on average we only see about 183 days of sun a year. That's not a whole lot, but what I've learned is we take advantage of those nice days while we can.
So... where what is the #1 best place to live in the country? Clarksville Tennessee! It's very affordable, there are jobs out there and they get just over 200 days of sun a year. Even if they do get more sun than us, they don't have the beautiful view of the Mayo Clinic to wake up to every morning!
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