Rochesterfest Changes Layout for 2020
This summer was pack with many events. One of my favorites was the Rochesterfest Parade and Rochesterfest in general. I was scrolling on Facebook and came across this post.
Late last year we learned that Rochesterfest was getting a new director and that probably has something to do with the change. If you check out the Rochesterfest Facebook page, in December they asked for your suggestions. It seems like the group is wanting Rochesterfest to reflect what we want.
The start of a new decade is a perfect reason to change the layout. If you study the picture above, you'll see that there is a little more of a flow to the setup! I also think that if we get as much rain as we did last year, this setup will be better for dealing with the mud. Yes... to get to the things on the infield, you'll have to truck through the mud, but that can't be avoided at this location. We should have more information on Rochesterfest as we get closer to it. I can't wait to see what they come up with it this year. It will be exciting to see all the changes they do come up with! :)
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