Student Helps Prevent Fire at Lourdes High School From Spreading
Rochester, MN (KROC AM News) - The Rochester Fire Dept. is crediting a student for helping keep a fire from spreading at Lourdes High School Sunday.
The fire was reported around 1:45 PM and the report indicates the source was cardboard boxes that were under some stairs near the school’s auditorium.
Fire Dept. Battalion Chief Eric Kerska says student David Poirier grabbed a fire extinguisher and was trying to put out the flames when a sprinkler head activated. Firefighters also used extinguishers to put out the blaze.
Kerska says Poirier’s “quick action” helped limit damage.
Dozens of people at the school for an event and other activities safely evacuated and there were no injuries reported. Kerska says damage was confined to wet carpeting. There was limited smoke damage and the overall estimate was $5,000 for clean up costs.
The cause of the fire is under investigation.