The Top Dad in Rochester, Minnesota! (Pictures)
While dads come in all styles and volumes, I think we can all agree on some basic qualities that make a dad a good dad. Good dads know it's about teamwork. Good dads are firm but gentle. Good dads are fun and creative, but don't treat it like a contest to be "best liked", take their share of being 'the heavy'.
On, and one other really important quality. Great dads are...on TV.
According to, Homer Simpson (The Simpsons!) and Jack Pearson (This Is Us) tied for first place. But, the number one dad in Rochester, MN is Adam Braverman, from Parenthood. He's played by Peter Krause, who was born in Minnesota! Alexandria, MN, to be exact. His mom taught second grade, his dad was a high school English teacher and they raised him up around St Paul.
Who's your favorite TV dad?
Check out these Getty Images of all kinds of dads!
Dads from Getty Images
Listen to James Rabe 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM, and 2p to 6p on 103.9 The Doc.