This Site Will Make Sure You Don’t Miss Minnesota’s Fall Colors
Even though it's still just the first week of September, it sure has felt like fall the past few days. And now, the Minnesota DNR has just rolled out another sure sign on Autumn.
It's the DNR's Fall Color Finder, and it just went live on Thursday. And new this year, the DNR has made the Color Finder available for your mobile devices, as well.
The site contains a TON of information regarding Minnesota's incredible fall colors, and where they're the most vibrant. You can find stuff like a fall events calendar, a map showing which parts of Minnesota have the best colors right now, plus you can view some way-cool fall color photos (and even upload your own.)
And, in case you're curious, right now most of the state is still well in the green-- with 0% to 25% of trees having turned colors. There are a few spots, though, where things have started to turn colors already. (And check out THESE trees, who apparently think it's already fall right here in Rochester.)
The DNR also notes that colors should be pretty good across the state this year, because we've already seen several stretches of warm days and cool nights-- the main ingredient they say is necessary to get those brilliant red, orange and yellow fall colors to really pop.
So, pour another pumpkin spice latte and get ready to 'feel the wow of fall!' as the site says...