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Bachelorette parties where you stay in town, or at least in Minnesota, are slowly becoming a thing of the past for people with any kind of disposable income (and maybe even just people with credit cards, yikes!). According to TheKnot.com flying away from your city, state, or country is very trendy.

Top Five Trendy Bachelorette Party Destinations.

  • Tulum, Mexico
Faby Vanyo
  • Palm Springs, California
  • Austin Texas
  • Scottsdale, Arizona
  • Rochester, Minnesota
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic

OK, that last one isn't in the article I linked, but Saturday night I was at Hefe Rojo, with my girlfriend Diana, and another couple, and there were two bachelorette parties going on.

That's not why I think Rochester is one of the trendy spots, though. I think it's a trendy spot because one of the parties was a "middle" party. Rochester is the middle point of where Jamie (the bride to be from Madison, WI) and her friends live.

James Rabe with Jamie, the Bride to Be
James Rabe with Jamie, the Bride to Be

Click PLAY to hear Jamie's story.

They could just as easily have driven to Minneapolis or St. Paul, but no, they chose Rochester! The fun loving, bar having, hotel staying, Queen City of Medicine and a soon to be re-debuted Corn on the cob water tower.

(Diana Evans)
James Rabe poses with the party...(Diana Evans)

Even better, they're in the middle, but the wedding is in Iceland (because, apparently, they wanted Ireland, but Ireland said no stay out Covid-19! so they changed one letter and now they're getting married in Iceland).

A couple enjoys Iceland. AllaLaurent

So what do you think? Should Rochester be on that list of Trendy Bachelorette Party Destinations? If not...where?

As always, if you have a comment, complaint, or concern about something I wrote here, please let me know: james.rabe@townsquaremedia.com

Listen to James Rabe and Jessica Williams 6a to 10a on Y-105 FM's Early Morning Show.

Speaking of fun things to do in Rochester, here's our 4th of July event schedule!

List of Events and Fun in Rochester on July 4th, 2021

Bring your lawn chairs, blankets, snacks, and drinks and celebrate the 4th of July at 4th Fest, a free event happening at Soldier's Field Park in Rochester, Minnesota. According to the City of Rochester, here are the events planned for the day and evening.

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