Val’s Frontenac State Park Adventure – [PHOTOS]
We all know Saturday was a gorgeous day for southeast Minnesota! My husband and I took advantage of it!
We have a rule for weekends with good weather: pick a park on the map and explore!
The birds were out in full effect! As soon as we arrived at Frontenac State Park, we also noted the smells of controlled burns that recently took over the area. It was a beautifully creepy vibe, and we soaked ourselves in it.
I'll be honest about this part of our hike too: the hills were brutal! For us, this was the first "long" hike we did of the season. Most of the parks in the area finally have full access to all trails now, so, even though we've been out we haven't been able to make hiking a day long project in months.
For me, this was a reminder to get back in shape - and a serious confidence boost. You guys know this; when you're out in the woods it's just you and nature! Step up, be prepared, be alert, and take it in!
Here's some hike highlights.
Have you been to Frontenac before? Isn't it beautiful!?