Val’s Hunk Of The Week: Brian Kelley from FGL
Ladies, you know I like them tall and scrawny after all! ;-)
He's the eye candy that's oh-so-dandy with the junk in the trunk you think you thunk - ladies, let me introduce you to this week's hunk! The "Florida" in Florida Georgia Line, Brian Kelley.
Here's a few reasons why I think Brian deserves this week's award. Firstly, dude has branched out and been way more audible on the vocal front when it comes to FGL. You caught his verses and acting skills in "May We All", right?
Secondly, he's immensely supportive of his wife Brittany - and it's just plain adorable! They run Tribe Kelley together, and he supports her managing the whole clothing line! GET IT POWER COUPLE!
Oh, and here's video evidence of their love.
Honestly, do I need to continue? Okay, I will.
He's a master at dog training! HOW DO YOU GET FOUR GERMAN SHEPARDS TO DO THIS!?
Incredible! Okay, I've gone on long enought. Cheers to another week, ladies!