Val’s Hunk Of The Week: Keith Urban
I mean.... C'MON. Do we need to explain this?
Ladies, he's the eye candy that's oh so dandy with the junk in the trunk you think you thunk ...Keith Urban! for this week's hunk!
Keith Urban has been a staple in country music for (if you can believe it!) almost twenty years!! Somehow, though, I knew we'd still be talking about him today.
Where do I start? The looks are obvious. What we (sometimes) forget is how much of an amazing guitar player he is too!
Think about it - this guy is from New Zealand, and he came all the way to America to represent country music and write songs that so reflect our values and love of whatever touches the soul. It seems like something "anyone" can do, but you can't fake love of family, nature or country. He really is a class act!
Maybe we love him so much because we adore the relationship he has with his wife, Nicole Kidman?
These two treat each other with such respect and never say a bad word about the other. How can you not love that? Obviously, this was proven when their daughters wanted to send a special message to daddy before the ACMs this year....
Too cute!! Ladies, where does Keith fall on the hunky scale?