Was This Rochester City Council Member’s Response Disrespectful?
The Rochester City Council recognized longtime City Administrator Steve Kvenvold at its most recent meeting. At least, most of the members did...
Kvenvold will officially retire May 31st. Council member Mark Bilderback was the first to thank Kvenvold for his nearly 50 years of service. He led the council in giving Kvenvold a standing ovation. Other council members added their comments on Kvenvold’s pending departure, with the exception of second ward representative Michael Wojcik, who has clashed with Kvenwold several times over various issues.
The video below shows the council’s comments. It also shows, about a minute into the video, representative Wojcik’s reluctance to stand and applaud Kvenvold for his decades of service to the city.
I understand people will have differing opinions on important subjects and arguments will get heated when people fight for what they believe in, but this seems childish. I have to admit, though, I've never seen anyone "applaud" quite like that before!
What do you think of the way representative Wojcik acted? Was it disrespectful? Or was he simply exercising his right to act the way he wanted?