How much do YOU eat fast food?  Outside of a few trips to Subway (which, I guess, is STILL classified as 'fast food,') I can say I don't eat it too much.  It's not that I don't love it-- I do-- but I've been trying to keep the 40-plus pounds I lost a few years ago off. However, Americans, on average still like to hit up the fast food joints.  And you won't believe how much we spend there a year!

Anderson Ross/Getty Images

According to a new survey of 1,000 persons, the average American eats fast food at least twice a week and spends $12.50 every time.  That adds up to about $1,300 a year. Burgers, pizza, and fried chicken are the most common fast food meals.

The survey went on to list the top three reasons we eat fast food: We're too busy, we're too impatient, or too LAZY to cook. 7% of us eat fast food DAILY or almost every day, and 5% eat fast food for pretty much every meal.  Yikes!

(Source: Daily Mail)

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