We use them every day! Or, at least I do...

It's Emoji Day!

About a billion (yes, BILLION with a "b") people use some sort of emoji every day when they're texting, posting, or creating graphics. Most of us probably know that already. What we don't know is which emoji our state uses most.

Solar Eclipse Visible Across Swath Of U.S.
Getty Images: Justin Sullivan

One website broke it down, and they explained that Minnesota certainly has a favorite:

“Smiling Face with Heart Eyes” was the runaway winner, showing there is still so much love in today’s world. I even searched Instagram (some more, for work) and there are 5,737,359 posts with this hashtag. Heart eyes indeed. Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Oregon, Utah, and Wisconsin are loving life apparently!

Ugh, alright... take the sting out of having something in common with Wisconsin out of your mouth and really think about this. How often do you use the "smiley face with heart eyes" emoji? That's one I use daily when I think about it! My other personal favorite is the "laughing so hard you're crying" emoji.

Which one is your favorite?

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