Why, Oh Why, Do Rochester Snow Plows DO THIS!?
I understand needing to keep the sidewalks clear, but what about ensuring citizens can pull into parking lots?
That's the question I found myself asking when I arrived at our downtown Rochester office this morning. Gaining another 4-5 inches of snow in early March isn't exactly unheard of, so the weather itself didn't upset me. It's the way we're handling it that confuses me.
Take a look at the photo, and notice what's odd.
That's right. There's A HUGE PILE OF SNOW STILL ON THE ROAD. If you work or live in downtown Rochester, you know that this poses problems for people using the parking lots they already pay so much to use. We literally cannot even turn into our lots in some cases! That happened to me today.
Thankfully, I could turn and make my way in from a nearby spot, but I'm sure there are some folks who can't.
I'm still somewhat new to Rochester (I moved here in July of 2016), so I was told that the priority (in town anyway) is the sidewalks - in order to help out our Mayo Clinic patients and visitors. I TOTALLY respect that. However, there's got to be another solution for snow removal.
My suggestions:
- A "Snowfill" to be used like a landfill, but for snow. It melts anyway! Got a dead, grassy area? Let's help it out!
- Speaking of that, let's help our trees too!
Just my thoughts. What do I know anyway? Seriously - you probably shouldn't listen to me.
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