Will You Be Able To Use Your Minnesota ID To Board A Plane After January?
Minnesota's attempt to bring its ID's into compliance with new federal requirements has been making news for awhile now, but the clock is ticking... and that ticking is getting louder!
According to a Pioneer Press article from last month, state leaders were told by federal officials that Minnesota would have an extension to get those new, enhanced ID's ready. But that extension ran out last month. (The state has been trying to get its ID's up to these new standards for several years now, but still hasn't implemented everything needed.)
Right now, Minnesota (and a few other states that have yet to upgrade ID's to these new federal standards) is in a grace period, so our old ID's still work to board plane and enter other federal areas.
But that's set to end on January 22nd of next year. Minnesota was hoping to get another extension through October of 2018, when it expects to start issuing the new, enhanced ID's. But, the story says, no new extension has yet been granted by the feds.
So, will our old Minnesota ID's still work to board a plane after January 22nd? Nobody seem to knows. You can, though, use your Passport to board a plane-- unless you're me... and have The World's Worst Passport Photo. (It's true. Check out the video below to see for yourself!)