Who's excited for a long Independence Day weekend?!

While plenty of Minnesotans will no doubt be enjoying the lakes, backyard barbecues, road trips, and all sorts of fun things to do outside this weekend (weather permitting), something else will be eager to crash the party. That's right, I am of course talking about The Mosquito.

With all the rain we've been having, you can expect those little buggers to be out in full force this weekend. But did you know that there are a few common things people do over the Fourth that actually make you more attractive to mosquitoes?

1. Drinking Beer

Drinking beer outside with your buddies is one of the best things about summer, but it comes with a risk (other than the slim chance that you'll find yourself waking up in a stranger's backyard). Apparently, mosquitoes are attracted to people with high levels of carbon dioxide. And if you're a beer drinker, you tend to have more CO2 in your system. I'm not going to get too deep into the science of it, because I am dumb, but yeah, more beer = more mosquitoes. Is that going to stop any of us from drinking beer? Probably not!

2. Wearing Dark Clothes

When searching for more warm-blooded victims, mosquitoes are drawn to contrasting colors. That might be a problem if you're all decked out in Red, White, and Blue clothing. But come on...like that's going to stop red-blooded Americans like us!

3. Exercise...Or Anytime You're Just A Sweaty Mess

As I mentioned before, mosquitoes get their rocks off on carbon dioxide, which is also emitted via heavy breathing. They’re also attracted to sweat, which means that exercising makes you a big target. So maybe take it a little easy when you're outside playing Beer Olympics this weekend.

Source: KARE 11

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