June 23, 2014 | 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Central Park
Rochester, MN United States

Additional Information

PossAbilites holds its annual Ice Cream Social this Monday, June 23, 2014, in Central Park, downtown Rochester. The event will include several games and fun activities, an ice cream eating contest for both youth and adults, and an opportunity to buy a raffle ticket for a 2014 Mustang convertible. This year's event will also feature classic rock tunes from the band "Tommy Boy."

Wristbands can be purchased for $5 at several park locations, which provide access to all the games, Kemp's Ice Cream and water. Car raffle tickets must be purchased separately.

For more information, contact Kenn Roehl, Development and Marketing Director at 507-281-6116 or at kroehl@possabilities.org.