I was lucky enough to see the Chicago Bulls take on the Timberwolves at Target Center, back in the day. That was the night Dennis Rodman 'kicked' a photographer in the groin. I was watching the whole thing and to be honest, the photographer got kicked in the thigh, not the manapples. He faked it pretty good, though.

I saw Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and and Dennis Rodman play in person and it was a night I'll never forget.

SCOTTIE PIPPEN is in a new Foot Locker ad where he claims he's the greatest player in Chicago Bulls history. It's just a joke, because obviously MICHAEL JORDAN is.

But if you need a reminder as to WHY Michael will always be considered the best, there's a video of him at his youth basketball camp over the weekend . . . draining eleven shots IN A ROW from all over the court, including five three-pointers.

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