I was totally in my element yesterday out in the sunshine at Target Field all day! It was radio affiliate fantasy camp day. I had the opportunity to hang out with 3 former Twins players and current broadcasters. Other than my wedding and the day I got engaged, this was definitely at the top of my totem pole for awesome experiences!

If I could quit my job and shag balls for the Twins on a daily basis, I totally would! (BUT I wouldn't actually do that, because I would miss you all entirely too much.) I was one of the only women on the field, but I'm totally okay with showing up the boys!

Kent Hrbek coached us on hitting, while Eduardo Escobar made us all look pathetic after showing off some of his stellar batting skills. My own personal rule is to finish strong in the batter's box, and definitely not end on a bad hit. Hrbek tried telling me I was done, but I stayed in there. He asked, "You want another one?" My response was, "Yes, please!" Then he says, "Wow! I'm not used to that! I'm used to hearing f-you!"

Jack Morris was a wonderful story teller. He was supposed to coach us on pitching, but instead filled us with hilarious stories, and his thoughts on the current team. (If only I had my camera rolling for that!)

Dan Gladden had my number! I think he was enjoying picking on the one girl that truly seemed interested in the camp. I laughed at one of the guys (the boss... I'll just keep his name on the D.L.) because he was attempting to hit fly balls to us. Dan says, "She's laughing at you dude!"

Then he looks at me and asks, "You think you could do better?" Me, being the smart ass that I am, responded, "Oh, yeah!" He asked for my name and told me to come in. I asked, "You want me to shag balls?" He replied, "No. I want you to do what he's doing. BUT, better!" Crap!

Fortunately, I DID do better, otherwise that would have been WAY embarrassing.

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