"Dad, why are you putting the key there, just press the button," my 6 year old step son!!! He's never seen a car that didn't have a push start button!! I grew up playing outside, riding bike, climbing trees, and swimming in the river. The top things kids do now OR want to do, is video games, TV, play on the computer. This year's college freshman have never known a world without... 

Just thinking about what year these freshman were born will make you feel old, and it just gets worse as you read the list (advanced apologies). This year's freshman were born in 1997!

  • Princess Diana, the Notorious B.I.G., and Mother Teresa were dead before most of them were born.
  • They've never known a world without hybrids cars.
  • They've never known a world without "South Park" OR "Harry Potter"
  • They never licked a postage stamp . . . not just because they don't send letters, but because they could always use stamps that you peel and stick.
  • They've been able to Google stuff since they were old enough to use computers.
  • They've had Wi-Fi access for pretty much their entire lives.
  • They barely remember TV before it was in HD.


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