3 Tips To ‘Layer’ For Minnesota Winters In A Cute Way
I learned how to "layer" for harsh winters when I first moved to the Midwest back in 2013. It didn't take me long to figure it out! Here's my story.
My first radio job took me to Peru, Illinois - and I had no idea that "the plains" (as I called them) made for worse winters than I was used to. You see, my native Pittsburgh just doesn't get the wind that we do here. Sure, it gets cold (not this cold, but still...) and we see snow - but NOTHING like we do in the Midwest.
What made these winters "worse" (to me anyway), was the biting, relentless wind that surrounded me. It followed me from Illinois to Minnesota, and I'm glad I took my layering lessons with me.
These are some layered looks I've worn recently that I'm pretty proud of.
You might have noticed a few things that all of these looks have in common. They're FULL of layers - but they still look cute! I'm not some puffed up penguin in these pictures, but I'm still warm!
How did I do it? Here's some tips:
- Flannels can serve multiple purposes. Not only can they tie your look together via the collar, but their warm on their own! Pair them with a cute top - and voila!
- Cardigans and sweaters are your friends. Seriously. Don't be afraid to choose ones that match your style. Mix and match pieces to create different outfits!
- Bootcuffs are a huge help. They add another layer of warmth, and they dress up your boots after you've worn them for the third day in a row... because Minnesota. I like my cream colored ones because they go with anything.
Try these and let me know what you think! Do they add to your style? Show me some pictures of your favorite ways to layer!
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