He left us far too soon last week, but here's a tribute to my biggest fan, my dad.


Dad had been battling pancreatic cancer since late last year. Well, we suspect he'd actually been battling it since last summer, but he got the official notice just after Christmas last December.

I remember when he told me, the first thing that ran through my mind was the lyric from Tim McGraw's song, 'Live Like You Were Dying,' specifically, the line that says, "How's it hit you when you get that kind of news..." Dad lost his battle last Monday night. And though his passing leaves an obvious huge void in all our lives, I'm more relieved that he's finally at peace.


My dad was an incredible guy who joined the Army back in 1965 and did a two-year tour of duty in Vietnam. After getting back home, he continued to serve my hometown as a police officer, retiring back in 2001 after nearly 32 years on the force. After that, he worked as a delivery driver for a copy shop and spent countless hours volunteering for several community groups and causes.

And no matter where I was in my radio career, he was ALWAYS my biggest fan. He'd regularly listen to my show here on Quick Country back home in Wisconsin. To show you what a good sport he was, here's a 'prank' call I did with him two years ago, when he was turning 70.

I called him on the air pretending to be a with a lawn service that was going to be stopping out at his house to install a new in-ground sprinkler system. Check out how he played along. (And rest in peace, Dad. I love you!)

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