Amazon Prime Day Glitch May Have Cost The Company Millions
Did you try and buy something on Amazon Prime Day and weren’t able to add anything to your cart? Well, you weren’t alone! According to Business Insider, this is the second year in a row that Amazon experienced technical difficulties on Prime Day.
So what was going on? Customers would try and add items to their cart and the site would allow them. The article states that Amazon may have lost around a million dollars in sales because of the glitch. People were getting frustrated because the same message was popping up every time they tried. The article says customers would see a "Fail to add to cart" message and no matter what they tried, they couldn't get their cart to grow.
CBS News did a story on the crazy glitch and they reported that people could bet on whether or not the site was going to be down or not this year prior to Prime Day. The payout wasn’t super high, but it’s funny that people thought that last year’s event would happen again. Little did they know the odds were in their favor.
But this year, Amazon wasn’t the only company running special deals. Target, eBay and a few other sites decided to have two-day deals that customers could take part in. The other sites that ran deals did not require you to be a member of their program to get your hands on their deals. Which leads me to think that they may have gotten some new business after the glitch on Amazon.
So, did you have issues buying products on Amazon? I tried and had no problems later in the day. Hopefully, the site gets everything figured out for next year.
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