Check Out the Amazing Amount of Time We Spend on Our Phones in Minnesota

If you find yourself scrolling on your phone a lot more lately, you're not alone.
Our phones (or mobile devices or whatever we're calling them these days) are ALWAYS with us, right? Whenever I leave the house, I'm constantly checking to make sure I have three things with me: My wallet, my keys, and my phone. So I guess it's not a shock that we're on our phones a lot these days. (You're no doubt reading this on your phone right now, right?) But do you know how MUCH time we all spend looking at our phones here in Minnesota?
That's the question the team over at SimpleTexting wanted to answer. Specifically, they wanted to find out exactly how much more time people spent glued to technology during the pandemic. They conducted a nationwide survey asking people to report their average daily screen time as it appears in their screen time app, and compared the findings to their previous 2019 report.
And even though we were all using our phones a lot before the pandemic hit, we're now using them WAY more. In fact, here's what the survey said about phone use by those of us here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes:
In 2020, the average person in Minnesota spent 272 minutes on their phone per day. This is up 94.5% from 2019, making Minnesota home to the #6 highest screen time increased during the pandemic in the US.
So, if I do the math correctly, that stat means we've nearly doubled the amount of time we spend on our phones here in Minnesota. And seeing as 272 minutes a day equates to just over 4 hours and 30 minutes a day, that stat also seems fairly accurate. Because if I'm being honest, my phone usage is fairly close to that amount. I think my iPhone said I averaged just under 4 hours a day last week. (I gotta put that phone down!) You can check out their full report HERE.
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