C’mon Rochester, Let’s See Your Creations – Big Game Foodie’s Unite!
Some watch the game, some watch the commercials, but we all can come together for some great game-time grub! POST YOUR PHOTOS & RECIPES!
This year I'm not too excited about the football match-up, although I think the New England team will squeak-out a close win. Yes, we can all enjoy the highly anticipated TV Commercials, and debate which ones warmed our hearts or made us laugh. The halftime entertainment? I'll let you be the judge. I say......"LETS EAT"!
One thing we all can rejoice in are the countless tasty treats that will be created in our kitchens on Sunday.
Let's see how many delicious creations you can POST on our Facebook Page. Post a PHOTO, or an actual recipe . Share, share, SHARE!
Just seeing some of this stuff gets me drooling, so......let's drool together!
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