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If you need an extra dose of cuteness in your day (who doesn't?!), you'll want to check out the farm babies at the Minnesota Zoo! They're back now through May 16th. There are limited tickets to visit them in person, or there are online events you can participate in.

The Minnesota Zoo made the exciting announcement of the return of the adorable baby animals on their Facebook page:

Aw, I love baby goats! There are also baby pigs, cows, chickens, and sheep. The Minnesota Zoo is operating at a limited capacity so if you want to visit these baby animals in person you need to get your tickets in advance. You can find tickets HERE. Otherwise, if you don't feel comfortable going in person or if they run out of tickets, don't worry, there are online options where you can still enjoy the adorable animals!

The Minnesota Zoo's website explains all of the online activities you can get involved in:

 Build a virtual farm, conduct your own barnyard band, help us name our most recent farm baby, and check out new Zookeeper talks and live video streams!

They have Virtual Farm Baby Games that you can play online. They don't have games posted just yet (as of 03/26) but when they are available, you can find them HERE. The live Zookeeper talks will be every Wednesday at 1 PM on their social media. The Baby Naming Contest is every Monday. You can find the link to vote HERE. There's also a live stream every Wednesday at 1 PM and Farm Babies Trivia is every Thursday at 11 AM on social media.

And if you love looking at baby animals as much as I do, keep scrolling to see what the 50 most popular dog breeds look like... as puppies! Aw!

KEEP LOOKING: See What 50 of America's Most 'Pupular' Dog Breeds Look Like as Puppies

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