Remember back in the 90s and 00s when stores would have doorbusters on Thanksgiving or Black Friday?  People stood outside for hours for a chance to be one of the lucky ones who grabbed the deal.

Shoppers Hit The Stores For Deals On Black Friday
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Life has changed quite a bit.  2020 required us to slow our pace as consumers, which is probably good because injuries and even deaths were happening.  The crowd waiting to get into a Walmart store was so intense in 2008 that an employee was trampled to death. 

How Much Money Do People Typically Spend on Black Friday?

While the pace of in-person shopping has slowed a bit, the facts are that we are STILL spending a bunch of cash on Black Friday.  Business Insider stated recently that the average Black Friday shopper will be spending close to $430 in 2024.  Over half of those shoppers have moved to buying items online as a result of multiple stores now locking up their storefronts for the Thanksgiving holiday.  But the guess is that we will still be spending $10.8 billion this year on Black Friday.

30+ Stores in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and Throughout the U.S. That Are Closed Thanksgiving Day

Stay in your pj's and relax with family this Thankgiving because the following 30+ stores are on the list so far in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, and throughout the United States have already announced that they are closing for Thanksgiving Day.

Which Minnesota Stores Are Closed and Open on Thanksgiving 2024?

The big Thanksgiving day is almost here and retailers are giving us a heads up on their hours. Before you plan all of your Thanksgiving Day shopping, check to see if the Minnesota store has announced if they will be open or closed.

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

Susan Vineyard ThinkStock
Susan Vineyard ThinkStock

What What The Best Deal You Grabbed On Black Friday?

I used to work in retail and I remember having a pile of snowglobes that we had as doorbuster prizes for the first 100 guests that ran through our doors.  Ok...99.  I took one home too.

One of the best Black Friday deals that I saw was on Levi jeans and Hypercolor t-shirts.  They were extremely popular and the best sale to grab a size you needed was on that busy shopping day.

69% of us now do most of our Black Shopping online but there are about 32% of you that will still be going out to grab those deals in person. 

What was the best deal you grabbed on Black Friday?  I'd love to hear about your savings!  Send me a note to my Facebook page - Jessica On The Radio - or send me an e-mail at

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18 Things That You Shouldn't Say at the Thanksgiving Table

Ah, Thanksgiving! When families come together all over Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois to give thanks and eat a whole bunch of food. It's usually all fun and smiles unless that ONE family member who has no filter decides to show up. You just never know what they will say and unfortunately, that's the problem! To help alleviate any unnecessary drama this year, just text your family member that causes issues with their mouth and pass along this list of "Things NOT to Say at the Thanksgiving Table".

Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio

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