Is MnDOT Getting Ready To Introduce Toll Roads in Minnesota?
They have them in Illinois, Indiana and several other states. But they've never appeared here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes. At least not yet. But is the Minnesota Department of Transportation getting ready to roll out toll roads here in the Bold North?!?
Well, it looks like you don't have to start scrounging around for some extra change just yet. Sure, MnDOT recently commissioned a study about possibly, maybe, perhaps someday (note the 'Minnesota Nice' passive-aggressiveness here) adding toll roads to some Minnesota highways.
But, the bottom line is... it's not happening right now. And, probably not in the near future, either. The study's goal was to figure out whether certain rural and urban roads have the ability to actually generate toll revenue. (It's pretty dry, but you can read the full MnDOT study HERE.)
So what did the study find out? Well, basically that MnDOT needs to... study things in more detail. Yeah, imagine that: A study that recommends another study-- mainly to see if collecting tolls on certain highways in Minnesota is even feasible.
While I like the idea of out-of-staters helping us pay for our roads here in Minnesota (though I do feel a little put out when I have to pay a toll while on a road trip in another state-- fix your own roads, will ya?), I'm not sure I'd like to use them here on a regular basis.
Of course, there are already a few toll roads already here in Minnesota-- the MnPass lanes up in the Twin Cities. Which I never use. What about you? Would you favor adding toll roads here in Minnesota?
Listen to Curt St. John from 6a to 10a on Quick Country 96.5.