Alright, we're in the home stretch now-- tomorrow's is the day I'll be running in the Insane Inflatable 5K out at Rochester International Airport.

While I'm a 'recreational' runner -- if that's what you call huffing and puffing a couple of times a week as exercise -- and haven't run that many organized races, I've heard one usually 'carb loads' before a big race. Now THERE'S something I can get behind! Bring on the carbs!

Seriously, though, I'm looking forward to the race tomorrow. It's like a regular 5K race, but with six different inflatable obstacles stationed every quarter-mile or so. It looks pretty fun. And, even if you're not running the race, there's still a ton of stuff to do, too. Here's a handy checklist of what to expect.

And here's one final look at how me and my co-worker, Scotty Matthews, got in a pretty intensive training session for the race...

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