Minnesota DWI Arrests Include Woman Arrested Twice in Same Day

Minnesota is closing in on a big number of DWI arrests so far in 2020, and that number includes a woman arrested twice-- in the same day.
20,000 is a big number. And, it seems even bigger when you consider that it's the same amount of arrests law enforcement agencies across Minnesota have made so far in 2020 for driving while intoxicated.
According to a post on the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety's Twitter page, police here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes have already arrested 19,267 people for drunk driving in 2020, with another 223 arrests having taken place just last weekend alone.
Yeah, that's a lot. And, it's bound to increase again this weekend too. And, with two months left to go in 2020 (including the holiday season, where DWI arrests often increase), it's a pretty sure bet we'll top that 20,000 mark yet in 2020.
Just think, if you put all those people together (back before the pandemic, when it was safe to do) at Target Field, the home of the Twins would be nearly half full-- all with people who have been arrested for drunk driving! Although keep in mind that figure is just the number of arrests-- not people.
You'd think those numbers would be the same, but then there's the woman from Maple Grove, who, according to the Office of Traffic Safety, was arrested for drunk driving TWICE IN THE SAME DAY during an enhanced DWI campaign in August and September. That's right, she was first arrested at 10 in the morning and released to a sober party after being booked, only to be arrested for DWI again later that day at about 5 pm! Unbelievable.
And while approaching 20,000 arrests for the year 2020 is a little sobering (no pun intended, btw) here's another number with 20 in it: 20 Minnesota lake names that are kinda tough to pronounce. Keep scrolling to see how many do you know how to say...
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