Minnesota’s Most Haunted Road Has an Interesting Ghost Story
Even though Halloween is over, that doesn't mean that the haunting stops. There are a lot of haunted places in Minnesota and one has been in the buzz lately. It's called Timber Lake Road. According to Only in Your State, this road is located near New London. If you are looking to see a ghost you might want to take a little road trip at night and report back what you see. They say there isn't much haunting that happens during the day.
Timber Lake Road is a country road that runs along the foresty wetlands of Sibley State Park with a tale that explains why it is haunted. According to the article, a mom and her kids lived near the road. One day the mom came back to find her kids were murdered in their house. She could not handle the thought of the loss of her kids so she hung herself. Locals say she is haunting the road trying to find the person who is responsible for the murder of her kiddos. That is the story to explain why the road is haunted.
Apparently there is a gated cemetery on the road. The kids and their mom are said to be buried there. As we know with every ghost tale, there isn't much proof of the haunting. We just have stories from the brave souls that go looking for a ghost. Folks have said that they have seen red eyes blink while they drive the road. Others have said they have seen a white ghostly figure. Then there are folks that have seen a red ghostly finger. Some have even reported seeing shadows near the woods. The brave folks who have gone into the cemetery at night have heard dogs, screams, and voices without anyone or anything being there.
Are you brave enough to drive down this road at night and report back what you see or hear? I know I'm too much of a chicken to do it alone. If you are interested in going on this adventure, you can check out the location here.
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