Tributes and memorials to Prince are popping every everywhere in Minnesota, and around the world! Here's one at a local Rochester, MN garden center.

Many who know me also know that I work as a seasonal crew member for a well known local Rochester, MN garden center on 2nd Street, weekdays, and do radio part time and fill-in on Quick Country 96-5 & Z-Rock on the weekends. (the best of three worlds)

Even on a busy garden center Friday as we gear-up for the first big weekend heading towards Mothers Day, I had the time to put up a modest tribute to 'The Artist' who's on the mind of many this weekend. You can stop by and see it yourself on the TREE & SHRUB LOT at 1811 2nd ST SW in Rochester, MN.   Steve - Quick Country

Now, since this is a music station, I should post an example of Prince' virtuosity with regards to the guitar, RIGHT? Simply jaw-drop AMAZING! [WATCH]


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